


P O Box 1625
West Chester OH 45071

Invoice Number UGI2019197
Order Number PO1823065
Invoice Date April 5, 2019
Due Date July 4, 2019
Total Due $4,065.50
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceSub Total
277 US09A directional boring . install 2" conduit

3682 Traskwood cir, Cincinnati oH 45208
3680 Traskwood cir, Cincinnati oH 45208
3678 Traskwood cir, Cincinnati oH 45208
3676 Traskwood cir, Cincinnati oH 45208
3674 Traskwood cir, Cincinnati oH 45208
3672 Traskwood cir, Cincinnati oH 45208

4 pull can/ flower pots
1 lawn restoration
40 US09A hand digging and installing 1" conduit in flower bed going to each unit $11.50$460.00
Sub Total $4,065.50
Tax $0.00
Total Due $4,065.50